"If you really want to be happy, no one can stop you"

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Back to office..

So, an year and a fortnight since the last day at my first job, I was back in office earlier this week. And it was a nice start. While the company and the location, the Silicon Valley, are as different from that job, somethings just do not change..

The excitement of a new computer for the office work, the access card to enter the office buildings, entering a ticket with the IT Helpdesk to setup with an issue - similarities just dont end :D

And yes, my seat is still at the one of the ends of the floor.. and what I see out of the window is once again construction in progress :D    The more things change the more they remain the same :D

Of course, all is not the same - this is internship and not a full-time job.. My new machine is a Macbook Air with a 128GB SSD and i5 processor - my first machine in my first job was a P4 with 80GB HDD  :P
Technology advancements are nowhere as sharp as they are here in the hub of the computer world :D
My individual office space is much bigger - with two white boards for good measure :D

This is a fantastic opportunity - someone up there really likes me I guess :) - that I sincerely hope and pray to be able to do justice to.